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Jeidai Lexicon

Positive Emotes

Ah -AH – Passion/Creativity

Ai -AI – Energy/Motivation

An -AN – Joy/Amusement

Ar -AR – Love/Enjoyment

Eh -EH – Confidence/Sureness

Ei -EI – Courage/Bravery

En -EN – Rest/Comfort

Er -ER – Remorse/Regret

Negative Emotes

Uh -UH – Apathy/Banality

Ui -UI – Exhaustion/Stagnation

Un -UN – Sorrow/Boredom

Ur -UR – Hate/Disdain

Oh -OH – Confusion/Doubt

Oi -OI – Caution/Fear

On -ON – Anxiety/Discomfort

Or -OR – Anger/Insult


Dah DAH – An untyped or abstract number. It can be used if you are just stating an arbitrary number like I did in my example above. It refers to the concept of the number. It can also be used as a fallback if you are unsure which type of number you should use.

Kah KAH – A cardinal number. It is used to count things and express quantities of things.

Sah SAH – A scaler number. It is used to express the magnitude or intensity of something. When used with an adjective, it indicates the intensity of that adjective. For example,

Yah YAH – An ordinal number. It is used to give order such as 1st, 2nd, etc.

Lah LAH – A measurement number. For this number you state the thing being measured, then the unit of measurement, and then the value of that measurement. The “lah” LAH is only used for the value portion of the measurement.

Zah ZAH – An approximate number. This form of number can be used in place of other number types when the speaker is unsure of the number but is confident that the number is close to the one they use.

Vah VAH – A guessed number. This form of number can be used in place of other number types when the speaker is just guessing the number and has little to no confidence in what the actual number.


Dan DAN – The null role is less of a role and functions more like a period. But instead of using it for every statement, it is used to explicitly separate two sentences in cases where it could be otherwise confusing. Most of the time, it is not required as typically a new sentence would begin with a verb which would terminate the previous sentence. But if you find yourself needing a full stop for any reason, you can just end the sentence with “dan.” Technically you could end every sentence with “dan” but it would be overly verbose and weird. Imagine if you ended every sentence by speaking the name of the punctuation mark in English. It would be unusual and maybe even distracting.

Kan KAN – The actor role is who or what is performing an action. Kan KANcan often be omitted if it can be contextually understood who the actor is in the sentence. 

San SAN – The cause role is the reason for performing an action.

Yan YAN – The asset role is what is used to perform an action. If I were to play music on my phone, I would be using my phone to play music. So the phone would be an asset, a “yan” YAN.

Lan LAN – The place role is where an action happens.

Zan ZAN – The time role is when an action happens.

Van VAN – The authority role is who or what required the action to be taken.

Pan PAN – The collection role is used to denote a list of actions, things, or descriptions

Jan JAN – The link role provides a link between phrases and can be used similar to a comma. 

Gan GAN – The target role indicates the thing on which the action is performed. This role is easy to misuse in some ceases. For example, if you were to quote a book, the book would not be the target or “gan” GAN. Instead, the book would be the asset or “yan” YAN because you are quoting to an audience using the book as a reference. There are many scenarios where the target may better fit into another role. In these cases it should be given those roles. However, with informal speech it can be acceptable to just use “gan” GAN more liberally and you will generally be understood.

Xan XAN – The effect role is the result of the action being taken

Wan WAN – The liability role is what made the action difficult or prevented it from happening

Tan TAN – The distance role is how far the action went

Man MAN – The duration role is how long the action took

Fan FAN – The beneficiary role is what benefited from the action taken

Ban BAN – The reference role serves a similar function as quotation marks. Like with the “pan” PAN role, it can be used for encapsulation. Typically this is how you would quote someone or something. Take for example the following sentence: I told you, “I don’t know.” the action would be the past tense tell, the actor or “kan” KAN would be me, the target or “gan” GAN would be you, and then “I don’t know” would be encapsulated between a beginning quote “bankar” BANKAR and and ending quote “bangar” BANGAR.


Dar DAR – “Now” This is a present tense modifier. By default words have no specific tense. This modifier is used to explicitly declare an action is currently happening or will happen imminently or referring to a thing’s current state.

Kar KAR – “Before” This is a past tense modifier. It can be used with an action to say what has already happened, or with a thing to refer to an earlier version of that thing. If the verb of the action is made past tense with kar KAR, then the rest of the sentence can be assumed to be past tense as well.

Sar SAR – “Begin” This modifier is used to mark the beginning of something. It could be the beginning of a list, or the beginning of an action. It all depends on the word that is being modified by “sar” SAR.

Yar YAR – “Close” This is used to distinguish between things that are different distances, usually from the speaker. It indicates that the thing is close to the speaker.

Lar LAR – “Specific Singular” This is like using the word “the” as in “the cat” it refers to a specific noun or verb which is known through context. If a speaker is already talking about a specific cat, they could use this to indicate they are talking about that cat, and not cats in general. depending on context, it may be acceptable to simply use a pronoun like “they”, but it may not always be clear who or what the speaker is talking about and this can be used to clarify without fully describing the noun or verb again. If a conversation is about multiple cats then an adjective or two can also be helpful.

Zar ZAR – “Indefinite Singular” This is similar to the word “a.” As in “There is a cat.” In this example the cat would be modified. This refers to a specific cat rather than any cat or to the concept of a cat. It differs from lar LAR in that the specific cat is not known. This would be used when asking someone to chose an item from a menu that is not stated in the current sentence.

Var VAR – “Choose” Request that the listener select from a list or grouping. It is like asking a multiple choice question.

Par PAR – “What” Typically used with a role to ask the listener to supply the thing that fills the role. It is a general purpose question marker which can mean who, what, where, when, or why depending on how it is used. What the role is exactly in relation to the sentence and the language’s grammar system is described in the next section.

Jar JAR – “Indefinite Tense” The indefinite tense is the default state for words. So this modifier is not needed most of the time. But in the rare cases where it is necessary for clarity’s sake.

Gar GAR – “After” This is a future tense modifier. It can be used with an action to say what is going to or may happened, or with a thing to refer to a future version of that thing. If the verb of the action is made past tense with “gar” GAR, then the rest of the sentence can be assumed to be future tense as well.

Xar XAR – “End” This modifier is used to mark the ending of something. It could be the ending of a list, or the ending of an action. It all depends on the word that is being modified by “xar” XAR. It is the opposite of “sar” SAR.

War WAR – “Distant” This is used to distinguish between things that are different distances, usually from the speaker. It indicates that the thing is far away from the speaker.

Tar TAR – “Any Singular” This is used when the specific member of a group does not matter. This is slightly different from the indefinite singular modifier zar ZAR. With the any singular modifier, it really doesn’t matter which thing is referenced. Take the phrase, “Press any key to continue.” This would be an appropriate use of tar TAR because it doesn’t matter which key is pressed. But with zar ZAR the specific key would matter, but which key that is has not been established. That would be more like selecting an option from a menu.

Mar MAI – “Plural” This is used to indicate that there are multiple of the modified word. Typically it is only used with nouns and verbs. When the quantity of a thing is given, the plural modifier is not required.

Far FAR – “Confirm” This is used to request that the listener confirm that part of a statement is true. It can be used on a nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and roles.

Bar BAR – “Describe” Similar to “jar” JAR in that it requests the listener to supply information. But in this case. the listener is asked to supply descriptions. If appended to a verb, it requests adverbs to be provided so as to describe how the verb was performed. Likewise if appended to a noun, the listener is expected to supply adjectives to describe a thing.


deh DEH – me

dei DEI – we

den DEN – this

keh KEH – you

kei KEI – they

ken KEN – that

seh SEH – time

sehder SEHDER – birth

sehkeh SEHKEH – lifetime

sehjer SEHJER – death

sei SEI – day

seidei SEIDEI – year

seikei SEIKEI – stage / phase

seikar SEIKAR – past

seigar SEIGAR – future

yeh YEH – place

yehzeh YEHZEH – side

yehzendeh YEHZENDEH – sector

yehzender YEHZENDER – zone

yei YEI – home

yeilei YEILEI – core

yeizen YEIZEN – world

yen YEN – here

yendei YENDEI – galaxy

yenden YENDEN – universe

yeir YEIR – there

zeh ZEH – life

zehdahdei ZEHDAHDEI – multibeing

zehzei ZEHZEI – crazy person

zei ZEI – creature

zen ZEN – sentient / person

zer ZER – plant

vehder VEHDER – vessel

vehkeh VEHKEH – brain

vehleideh VEHLEIDEH – container

veikehjeh VEIKEHJEH – intellegence

venwen VENWEN – machine

jeh- JEH- – jeh prefixing an action is the noun form of that action “The act of …”

jehsei JEHSEI – situation

jehwahdeh JEHWAHDEH – prejudice

jehlah JEHLAH – normal / usual

jehjeh JEHJEH – favor

jehyah JEHYAH – similarity

jei JEI – concept

jeideh JEIDEH – language

jeidei JEIDEI – word

jeikeh JEIKEH – race / group of creatures

jeiseh JEISEH – case

jeiwer JEIWER – doubt

jeiteideh JEITEIDEH – category

jeibei JEIBEI – limit

jer JER – possability

weh WEH – light

wehdei WEHDEI – sound

wender WENDER – radio

wei WEI – energy

weixeh WEIXEH – speed

weixei WEIXEI – rotation

wer WER – electron

wermen WERMEN – plasma

weimeh WEIMEH – potential

teiweh TEIWEH – air

ten TEN – thing

tendeh TENDEH – planet

tender TENDER – star

tenkeh TENKEH – head

tendehdei TENDEHDEI – cluster

tenjeh TENJEH – meat

fehjei FEHJEI – record

fei FEI – signal

feijei FEIJEI – message

feixei FEIXEI – intention

fenter FENTER – recon


Adverbs and Adjectives